Recent Topics
Defined Progress Over Time Workshop
Join us on 23rd April 12PM UK/3PM Dubai, for this informative webinar where we’ll explore Defined Progress Over Time—a powerful option for tracking student progress based on changes in attainment judgments over time. In this session, you’ll learn how
Monitoring Formative Assessments in Learning Ladders Workshop
Join us on 7th May, 12PM UK/3PM Dubai as we explore the Accumulated Score Analysis feature in Learning Ladders and how it can help assessment leaders support student learning. We'll guide you through: - Interpret accumulated scores to track progress over
EYFS and Primary Student Reports with Learning Ladders
Join our workshop on 21st May, 11AM UK/3PM Dubai , to explore how to complete the Learning Ladders Student Report template for termly and end-of-year reporting. We'll guide you through: - Completing the report template step-by-step -Customising modules
Editing Thresholds for Calculated Judgements Workshop
Great news! This has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in. You may find the recording below. <br&a
Discover Learning Ladders' EYFS Module
Great news! This has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in. <br>
Review and Plan for Gaps in Learning Workshop
Great news! This has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in! <br>
NEW: Student Report Updates
Great news! This has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
New to EYFS Workshop
Great news! This workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Leaders Analysis Report Workshop
Great news! The Leaders Analysis Report Workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Launching Ladders at Home to Parents Workshop 2024
Great news! Launching Ladders at Home to Parents Workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Assessment Lead/Head of Year/Subject Lead Workshop 2024
Great news! The Assessment Lead/Head of Year/Subject Lead Workshop 2024 has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
New to Primary Workshop 2024
Great news! The New to Primary Workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
New to EYFS Workshop 2024
Great news! The New to EYFS Workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
3 Ways to Calculate Progress in Learning Ladders Workshop 2024
Great news! The 3 Ways to Calculate Progress in Learning Ladders Workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Completing the EYFS Profile (EYFSP) in Learning Ladders Workshop 2024
Great news! Completing the EYFS Profile (EYFSP) in Learning Ladders Workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Learning Ladders Lead Handover Workshop 2024
Hi there, Are you a Learning Ladders Lead looking to hand over your role to a new staff member? In this workshop, we discussed the step-by-step guide to help your successor champion this role. Watch our recording of the workshop below: Thanks for wa
Migration 2024 Workshop
Great news! The 3 Ways to Calculate Progress in Learning Ladders Workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Using Student Attributes and Custom Student Attributes in Learning Ladders Workshop 2024
Great news! The workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
EYFS Phase Leader Workshop 2024
Great news! The workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Student Reports Workshop 2024
Hi there, Save time writing your termly and yearly reports! In this workshop, we discussed the step by step guide to help admin users from settings through to publishing, answering all of the common questions that pop up in between. Create student report
Assessing Arabic and Islamic Frameworks in Learning Ladders Workshop 2024
Great news! The workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Import Summative Reading Assessment (NGRT) Workshop 2024
Great news! The workshop has wrapped up successfully! If you couldn't make it or want to catch up again, you can now enjoy the video recording. Big thanks to everyone for joining in.
Upload new students
Hi, I have tried to upload the new students to the system, but I have yet to succeed so far, Could you please help? I think the problem lies with the UPN. As a new school, we just created UPNs for our students, the students on the system have UPNs generated
Migration halfway aborted
Hi, I have started to migrate the International School Leiden site but logged out after creating the groups and migrating the students to their new groups. When I logged in again, the migration started from the beginning and the site now asks me if I
submit a ticket
What account name do I use to submit a ticket? I cannot request help!