How to Edit Expectation Thresholds used in Assessment Summary (Admin Users Only)

How to Edit Expectation Thresholds used in Assessment Summary (Admin Users Only)

Expectations in Learning Ladders are the values the reporting calculation references to assign students' judgments for Attainment and Progress.  These can be amended on a subject by subject basis and will apply to all year groups assessed against that subject.

Where to edit Expectations
  • Settings> Settings> Assessment Summary> Expectations
  • View & Edit

  • Select your subject

    How to amend end of year expectations

  • Click Edit Thresholds to the right of 'End of Year Expectations'

  • Amend your end of year expectation by selecting ‘+’ and ‘-’
  • Click ‘Save’

How to amend termly progress expectations

Think about the coverage of objectives and assessment made in each term to decide whether there is equal coverage, or likely to be a term with a higher % of assessments recorded.  For example, the climate, religious practices or holidays may impact particular term or, the curriculum delivery itself may impact the weighting.
  1. Select ‘Edit Thresholds’
  2. Amend your termly expectations by selecting ‘+’ and ‘-’
  3. Click ‘Save’
Please note the termly expectations will be divided in two to achieve your half-termly progress expectations.


In order to print the half-termly thresholds please select ‘Print Thresholds’ on the right of the subject filter.
This is also a useful way to view the termly breakdown of expectations for Attainment and Progress.

Can you recommend default expectations to get started with?

These default expectations assume that a student 'Working at Expected' at the end of the year has 60-79% of the total possible assessments completed in that subject.  If you had 4 assessment points with the 4th 'Greater Depth', this roughly assumes students meet the 3rd 'secure' assessment point (75%) across the curriculum.  

Expectations are relative to the curriculum a school delivers.  If the learning outcomes are particularly challenging, for example in a Mastery approach, 'Expected' may be less than 60-79% or equally this number may be higher.

What happens if I change the expectations mid way through the year?

If expectations are amended, the calculation will apply the new expectations and reflect the new automated judgements for Attainment and Progress in Assessment Summary.  This will also apply to prior year judgements when looking back.

Changing your expectations updates the judgements in Assessment Summary instantly as the calculation updates straight away. 

What can we do if expectations are not producing automated judgements reflective of student's attainment and progress?

You can export the granular assessment data used in the calculation by following the instructions here.
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