How to Create Attainment and Progress Reports for a Class/Group

How to Create Attainment and Progress Reports for a Class/Group

Assessment Summary is a simple yet powerful reporting tool that benefits both teachers and senior leaders.

As an admin user, a senior leader is able to view the attainment and progress of every class in the school, in a consistent cross phase format.

Teachers use Assessment Summary reports to join progress meetings equipped with data about each subject in the curriculum, with the data to talk about every child's attainment and progress. 

Assessments recorded will only affect the Assessment Summary reports the following day. If you are an admin user, you are able to run the Assessment Calculator manually-read here.

How to create an Assessment Summary report

  • Select Assessment Summary in the navigation bar
  • Choose your year group(s), filter by class if necessary and select a subject

Graph Views

  • You can view the termly overview for your class as a pie chart
  • You can view 'All Terms' which will display your judgements as a bar chart
  • To filter your pupils by various attributes, please select 'Filter' on the right hand side of the page.
  • To print the graph displayed in front of you, select the three-line icon on the right hand side of the graph. From here you can print or download your graph.
  • Select your Data Source to decide which judgements to display.

    When the report loads, select the Data Source for the judgements. 

    • Calculated and/or Teacher Judgements shows either the automated Attainment judgement, or a Teacher Judgement Override if one exists.

    • Calculated Judgements Only shows only the Attainment judgement generated by the formative assessments, with no Teacher Judgement Overrides included.

    • Teacher Judgements Only shows only Point in Time Teacher Judgements or a Teacher Judgement Override

Progress over Time View

  • Select the 'Progress over Time' tab
  • View Termly Progress as a bubble graph
  • View Cumulative Progress as a pie chart (Note: Cumulative Progress does not take into account teacher judgement overrides)
  • To print both graphs, select the three-line icon on the right hand side of the graph. From here you can print or download your graph


Table View

  • Select the 'Table View' tab
  • View attainment and progress for the terms you have selected
  • Export this table as a CSV by selecting 'Export' in the top right hand corner

Admin users can export the Assessment Summary data for the whole school in a specific subject by following the steps in this article. It is possible to include students' UPN numbers on this report

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