Export Raw Data used in Assessment Summary (Admin Users Only)
Export Raw Data used in Assessment Summary (Admin Users Only)
Admin users can export the raw data behind the automated attainment and progress judgements in Assessment Summary for every student in the school.
Exporting raw data can be useful to understand a student's computed judgement, for example in the case of a student who is bordering a judgement, are the just 1 assessment away from the next.
Schools use the data to benchmark students against the expectations set for subjects in the curriculum.
Step 1- Print the expectation thresholds
The expectation thresholds are the key to unlocking the data in the assessment summary export. It will show you what raw data equates to in judgements based on your current expectations.
Print thresholds for a subject in Settings> Settings> Assessment Summary> Expectations.
Select a subject:
Click on Print Thresholds.
This opens a new tab with the attainment and progress expectations, broken down into half terms.
Notice that the attainment percentages are cumulative, showing how the calculation collates the assessments added cumulatively across the year- a coverage model.
Progress on the other hand starts afresh each half term. This is why when you look in Assessment Summary, progress is showing only the progress gained in the selected half term. To see cumulative progress you need to click 'cumulative progress'.
Step 2: Export Assessment Summary
The next step is to export the raw data behind the automated judgements.
Settings> Settings> Assessment Summary> Export
Select a subject and ‘Download file’ - the export will begin immediately
The file exports as a csv which means it will be data only
The file includes a breakdown of Attainment and Progress for each half-term.
Tip: It is helpful to sort the class column by A to Z to effectively look at one class at a time.
Freezing the top pane allows you to scroll across without losing the headers.
The file contains UPN, Last Name, First Name, Gender, Class, D.O.B and attribute data.
Scroll across and you'll see the overall % of assessment recorded for this current academic year
The Year column with (%) shows the total % of assessments recorded so far in that academic year.
The orange columns show the cumulative attainment pulling across each half term. This shows the current % of assessments recorded against current academic year objectives e.g. for a year 3, any assessments recorded against any assessment points for year 3 objectives.
The green shows the % of assessments added in that half term (assessments recorded using that half term's assessment window). Progress starts afresh each half term and includes assessments recorded against all year group objectives.
Schools can then benchmark using real examples of students e.g. pick 2 students teacher judgement suggests are 'below expected', 'at expected', 'above' & 'significantly above' and see if the system reflects this. The print thresholds is your key to unpicking the thresholds the system is using to calculate them judgements.
This is also a great way to see whether a student is only a few assessments away from the next descriptor.
Step 3: Changing expectations
If you decide to change your expectations after benchmarking students, you will need to go to settings> settings> run calculation. Read this guide to find out how.
If you have any questions about viewing the raw data in Learning Ladders then reach out to the team and we'll be happy to talk you through the export. Emailsupport@learningladders.info
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