How to Create Homework

How to Create Homework

Homework is a feature in Ladders at Home. This can be enabled or disabled in settings (read the Ladders at Home set up guides here).

Watch the video below or read the article to find out more about Homework:


How to view Homework

  • Go to ‘Ladders at Home’ at the bottom of the left hand menu
  • Click on the tab ‘Homework’

You are able to see all of the Homework that has been created by yourself (Admins can see all homework within the school).

For admin users, use the filters to search by subject, class, year, users or 'due' date. 

How to create Homework

There are two options for creating homework:

1. Import Homework
2. Create New Homework

Import Homework
  • Populate the .csv file to create a multiple choice or self-marking homework.
  • Click 'Download a template', ensure all required columns are populated and 'Import'.
  • View your homework by clicking on 'Homework' with all the other homework files.

Create Homework

To create new homework click on the blue button ‘New Homework’


  • Enter a title for the Homework
  • Select the due date for the Homework. This will automatically pre-set to one week.
  • Select the subject
  • Select the time goal, if however, there is no time goal, select ‘Not relevant’
  • Write your description for this homework. 

(The above fields are mandatory and you will be unable to proceed without these being filled in. These will be populated by an asterisk)
  • Enter any helpful links that are useful to complete the homework
Helpful links could include a file saved on your shared drive or for blended learning, a video recording of the teacher modelling using a resource or explaining a task (saved on a video sharing site like Vimeo etc.)

Choose who to allocate the homework to

  • Select your target class or group from the drop down menus. 
Teachers can only set homework for the classes and groups they are assigned to. Admin users can set homework for all classes and groups across the school.
  • Once the class or group has been selected you need to select which children you want to target.
To set homework of varying challenge levels, you will need to create the homework separately.

  • Select which type of Homework you wish to set

  • Click ‘Save Changes’
  • If you wish to save it and return to it later click Save draft
  • If you wish to delete the draft, click ‘Delete Draft’. Please be aware this is permanent once done.
  • If it is ready to go, click ‘Publish Homework’. Please be aware, published homework will be available to parents two hours after publishing.

Viewing feedback and student engagement with Homework

Click on 'Homework' in Ladders at Home

Once published, homework has three options:

1. View

2. Stats

3. Copy


By clicking ‘View’, you can see details about the homework, as in the below image. You can also 'Edit' the homework.


By clicking on ‘Stats’, you will be able to check how many students have completed the homework, see feedback from students about the homework and view all answers.

Monitor student engagement with homework and address potential barriers to involvement with learning at home.
Green = completed with the date and time
Red = pending- the parent& child have not completed the homework


View Results: 

For self-marking multiple choice homework, you can view each students' results. For 'simple' open text box, view the student's response.

After the student has completed the homework they are given an opportunity for self-reflection and assessment of the task using 3 child appropriate emotive faces and a text box. 

Respond to this feedback by clicking on 'Respond' and complete the feedback loop and take this information forward into future planning in class.

View the results for each question in a multiple choice homework to spot patterns across students, challenging aspects or areas for extension that feeds into future planning.

What does a parent see?

A parent will be able to view homework as below;

On the Homescreen they will be able to see any homework that has been set.


Click on Homework to Do


Click ‘View Homework’, this will open up the Homework screen for children to complete. 

After the child submits the homework, the parent can view a result (if multiple choice).
If two-way messaging is enabled, the parent has the option to provide feedback or ask the teacher questions (This will only be visible if 2-way messaging settings are switched on- see settings here).



If you have any questions relating to homework, contact the team at

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