'1.16 The key person must seek to engage and support parents and/or carers in guiding their child’s development at home.'
The homework feature is an effective tool for communicating home learning opportunities to adults at home.
Watch the video below or read on to find out more about setting homework tasks in Learning Ladders.
Managing Homework
Click on Ladders at Home> Homework tab. All users have access to 'homework' for the classes they are associated to.
Any homework created will be noted under 'Title', showing whether a homework is in 'draft' or 'published'.
You can manage homework for all classes and year groups within EYFS and is an effective way to monitor who has engaged with and 'completed' a task.

Click on 'Stats' next to a piece of homework to view the names of the children and whether the homework is 'completed' and details of when, as well as if it is still 'pending'.
Monitoring who has accessed home learning enables the Key Worker to begin to remove barriers to adults at home supporting development. Is there an issue with access to technology? Is it the confidence of the adult at home (see Articles), or a time issue?

Stats also offers an opportunity to view feedback from the students, in response to an opportunity for self reflection of a task.

Creating a new Homework
Home learning in the Foundation Stage can take many forms, from open ended tasks to simple multiple choice questions.
Click on 'Ladders at Home'> Homework> Create a new Homework.
Provide a title, due date, subject, time goal and description to give parents an overview of the homework.
Helpful links provide an excellent opportunity to offer resources for further support, challenge or exemplification of a task. Practitioners can record themselves modelling resources or a task, upload to a video sharing tool and include the URL for parents and children to view.
The Curriculum Lab enables practitioners to search for a resource, accessing resources from our range of quality partners. Teacher workload and wellbeing is high on our agenda at Learning Ladders. 
Home learning can be set for whole classes, particular groups or individual children to enable Key Workers to set appropriate tasks for each unique child.
Practitioners choose between different homework types:
Use the 'Simple' template for open ended tasks. Set the answer type to enable the response required (a simple yes/no) enables the parent to indicate that they engaged with the task, or 'free text' to give responses.
File Upload
File upload enables the practitioner to upload a file to share with parents. This could be a resource from a scheme of work, a home work created by the practitioner or PDF task found online.
Form Builder
Form builder enables practitioners to create self-marking, multiple choice tasks. Setting a few questions before or after a concept is introduced allows parents to guide development at home and for practitioners to further assess understanding.
Parents are able to guide their child to become a reflective learner and ask them how they felt about a task using the emotive faces. Parents can scribe a child's comment, or comment a reflection of how their child achieved the task.
Parents view the result of the multiple choice questions as a score and percentage and have the opportunity to message the teacher using the two-way communication tool.