EYFS: How to Record an Observation

EYFS: How to Record an Observation

Which devices can be used to record an observation?

The Observation Manager has been optimised for use on desktop, laptop or tablet.

How do I record an observation?

  • Click on 'Observations' on the green navigation menu.
  • Click 'Add Observation'

Certain fields on an observation are mandatory:

  • Observation Title
  • Description
  • Term
  • Student
  • Subject
  • Ladder
  • Ladder Year
  1. First, type the Observation Title
  2. Write a description
    Type one holding character if you need to come back to this later- there's not always time in the moment!
  3. Click on the drop down menu to select the half term/term
  4. Select a class/group and then select one, or multiple students (start typing a name to search).  You can select students across multiple classes you are assigned to.

  5. The subject is always pre-selected 'EYFS'
  6. Select at least one (or multiple) ladders from your curriculum
  7. Select a ladder year
  8. An optional choice to associate the observation to a particular objective in the curriculum (start typing to search)
  9. Select Tags (read article here)
  10. Select Observation Date
  11. Decide whether to 'Share with Parent' via Ladders at Home (See settings for Ladders at Home here)
  12. Click or drag& drop evidence (one file or up to a max of 8). See maximum file sizes below.
  13. 'Save Observation'

After clicking 'Save Observation' you will be taken back to the Observation Manager. You can view or edit the observation.

How to Edit Observation Date? 

To edit Observation Date, Click on the Observation, then click 'Update'. 

Select the Date and Click 'Update Observation'. 

Who can edit observations?

Teachers can edit only their own observations whereas an admin user can edit any user's observations.

Where can I view all of the observations?

View the observations in the Observation Map. Read about the Observation Map here.

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