Please follow the steps below to import your .CSV file:
1. Click on ‘Ladders’
2. Go to ‘Creation Zone’
3. In the top right corner will be a green button which states ‘Import Curriculum’. Click this.
4. Once on the page, there are two options you can upload your own csv or download a template which will already have the prefilled headers for you. Please note the headers for an import need to replicate those in the template, and the required fields need to be filled for every objective.

In the EYFS curriculum, there is only one subject, 'EYFS'. All new Ladders must have the subject 'EYFS'.

The year group codes for EYFS include:
PS = Pre-School (0 to 3)
N= Nursery (3 & 4 year olds)
R= Reception (4 & 5 year olds)
If your school uses the Grades system then get in touch with the team and we can offer support.
5. To import a new curriculum click ‘Choose a .csv file’ which will open up a dialog box for you to find your .csv file. Once chosen, click ‘Import’. NOTE: If the system detects any issues, it will alert you to each one. All issues need to be resolved before the import will be successful.

All changes will go into the Creation Zone where they need to be reviewed and published. The new Ladders or rungs will not be visible in 'My Ladders' until this has been done.
Download a Template
We have created a Template with prefilled headers, if you wish to use the template click on ‘Download a template’. Simply add all the data into the template fields and save the file as a .csv.
To import a new curriculum click ‘Choose a .csv file’ which will open up a dialog box for you to find your .csv file. Once chosen, click ‘Import’.
NOTE: If the system detects any issues, it will alert you to each one. All issues need to be resolved before the import will be successful.
Please note: You are not able to amend existing ladders/rungs using an import file. You can create new ladders and new rungs. You are also able to add in notes and up to 3 resources.
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