EYFS Insights: Phase Leader Report

EYFS Insights: Phase Leader Report

This article provides an overview of the Phase Leader Report.  Please watch the video below and if you have any questions, get in touch with the team at support@learningladders.info

The EYFS phase leader report can be found within the EYFS module of Learning Ladders.

To go to the EYFS module, click on EYFS in the top left corner and the navigation will turn green.
To find Insights, scroll down to the eye icon and Insights and click.

You have two tiles, how to use Insights which takes you to the help centre about this section and four phase leaders which is the phase leader reports.
There are some pre-set examples or you can click on for phase leaders to go to make your own selections. View is the academic year that you're viewing. Target group gives extra options around what you'd like to include in the report so would you like to create a report for a class, group, for year groups, a certain teacher or ethnicity and attributes. 0:46 So I'm going to choose the classes in my family. Foundation stage as if Im the foundation stage lead and want to look at all classes within the phase the time frame is the academic year and the term is where I have my data so Im going to look at autumn too. 1:00 You can only select one of the half terms at a time. Content ah we have the subject and in EYFS there is only one subject thats why its already preset EYFS this is different from primary where there are multiple subjects with ladders than outcomes whereas in EYFS the subject is always EYFS and everything 1:19 happens at the ladder or aspect level so I'm going to choose the ladders that I'd like to include into the reports and then I'm going to click generate reports so I've got personal, social, emotional, physical development, understanding of the world generate insights this shows me the selection that 1:37 Ive made and then underneath it we have the overview these are the different ladders that I chose to include from my curriculum I have the number of students along the left and at the bottom we have the attainment descriptors for the school so this is our demo site so we have 4 attainment descriptors 1:55 and this is what weve customised them to but your site may be different it will be whatever your site has been customised to I know that Im looking at attainment and if I wanted to change it to progress I simply choose progress from the drop down and the charts will change so for attainment what its 2:11 showing me when I hover over communication and language is that there are 4 students in my selection who are achieving well below expected attainment in communication and language, 20 emerging, 38 expected and 4 not exceeding and we have the percentage to the right I can hover over each of the ladders 2:31 to see the breakdown and if I'd like to keep these percentages on for when I'm printing if I toggle the percentage button in the top right I can now see the percentages without having to hover over and thats ideal if youd like to download and print reports for sharing. 2:46 As you scroll down the report you have a breakdown by area of learning or ladder. So this is communication and language. 2:53 These are the attributes that we have in our site assigned to students. You may not have this number if you havent assigned EAL or SEN for example you wont have these Or you may have additional ones if your school set up custom attributes that you monitor So what this is telling me is that in communication 3:10 and language across all the classes in foundation stage you have 71% of girls working at the expected attainment descriptor compared to 56% of boys I can then have a look at each of the ladders that I've included in the report by scrolling down When I reach the bottom you have a class comparison so for 3:31 the ladder that you've selected I've selected communication and language I can see all of the classes that I've selected which is all of our classes in our foundation stage and then I can see the percentage of students working at each attainment descriptor and so I can make comparisons that 86.2.1% are 3:48 working at expected in the nursery class compared to only 32.35% in the reception class and Id be able to then think about what we may do in our framework to prepare children to meet the expectations. 4:01 Expected level in reception. Maybe we're going to look back and make some changes. Maybe we're going to look at training or resources or any other ongoing improvement that may improve that data. 4:14 I can then click on the plus to break down by judgment. Which students are working at each of those descriptors and the great thing is I can do two of those classes I can have all three classes if I'd like to and I can compare the students working at the different descriptors for moderation as well I 4:31 can change the ladder from the drop down list literacy, the data changes for the attainment and if I had chosen progress at the top here that would have been showing the progress judgements instead. 4:43 If you'd like to take this off of learning ladders to share with SLT or governors if you want to download the report you can click on download report and this will be the printed version in color with the percentages if you've got that turned on or you can export the report and then that will give you 5:01 a CSV file with all of the attributes the different class breakdown and the percentage of students working at each of the judgements for every ladder that youve included as well as the number of children that that equates to as well so theres two options there for taking the report away to be able to 5:18 utilise or you could view it on the digital version and hover over like this to talk through it. I hope this is helpful in understanding the phase leader reports if you have any questions at all come through to support at learningladders.info if you email us any of your questions it may be something 5:35 technical that youve clicked on and isnt working as expected or maybe its a question about the content we can always jump on a zoom call and talk through your own site and your data we're happy to help as you're exploring this new phase leader reports

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