2.1 In their interactions with children, practitioners should respond to their own day-to-day observations about children’s progress and observations that parents and carers share.
2.10. The Profile must reflect practitioners’ own knowledge and professional judgement of a child to inform discussions with parents and carers, and any other adults whom the teacher, parent or carer judges can offer a useful contribution.
Learning Ladders' Early Years module allows parents to upload observations from home.
What types of media can parents upload as an observation?
Parents can upload a video (.mp4 and .mov file max size 40Mbs) , photograph (.jpg), audio file (.WAV) or plain text as an observation.
How do parents upload observations?
Parents can upload observations from within their Ladders at Home account.
The parent provides an observation title and description for the observation. The student's name is automatically pulled in.
A parent can choose to select a file to upload, though this is not mandatory.
How can a teacher communicate with parents?
When a parent uploads an observation the teacher will receive a 'Notification' in the notification centre.
The notification will show the child and observation that the conversation relates to.
Teachers can respond to an observation shared by clicking on 'Respond'. Where can these observations be viewed?
Parent observations can be viewed in the Observation Manager.
Observations will be tagged as 'parent observation' to distinguish teacher and home observations. The purple parent icon indicates that an observation is a parent submission.
A teacher has the choice to add additional information to an observation shared by clicking on 'Update'. A Ladder Year, Rungs and Tags can be assigned to the observation submitted by the parent.
One benefit to attaching this information is that the observation will display in the Gap Analysis as observations against a statement.