EYFS Student Reports: Edit Draft Student Reports

EYFS Student Reports: Edit Draft Student Reports

This guide is step 3 of the EYFS Student Reports: Teacher user guide. If you have completed step 2,'create new student reportsyou will see a list of students, their class, type of report and the status of the reports in your student report dashboard.  

To edit draft student reports, click on the eye icon to the right of the report type to open the report and depending on it's status, edit or view the report. 

Reports that have a status of 'Sign off requested', 'Ready to Publish' or 'Published', can only be viewed or deleted.


Required modules to be completed before a report can be sent for sign off:

Before a teacher can 'send to sign off', the following requirements must be met:
- If school attitudes are enabled in the report template then each attitude requires a response
- If Attendance and Punctuality is enabled, both text boxes must be populated
- Each Ladder must be allocated a teacher chosen from the list provided in the drop down menu i. only teachers associated to the student's class will be available
- Every Ladder must have a comment in the comment box-
A teacher comment must have text at the end of each report

Once you have completed the above and clicked 'Save Draft', the 'Send to Sign Off' option will become active.

Custom Modules
Your school's admin user has the opportunity to include additional 'custom modules' in report templates. Your reports may or may not have these options in the template.

Learning Aspects

Your school's admin user has populated the learning aspects and responses. These could be whole school learning aspects such as 'resilience', 'resourcefulness', 'listening' or, they can be used in the yearly Reception template to report on EYFSP outcomes. Record your response against each of the learning aspects.

An example of using the Learning Aspects for the EYFSP in the yearly Reception template:

Top Tip: Use 'bulk modules' in Students> Student Reports to save time entering the learning aspect responses for a class' reports. This can be useful for the Early Learning Goal responses.

Bulk Modules

  • Select your target group
  • The time frame default is the current academic year
  • Use 'Bulk Assessments' for efficient recording e.g. mark all as 'Expected'
  • Click on the individual responses to alter for differentiation e.g. 'Emerging' or 'Not Assessed'.
  • When you go into the student's report template, these learning aspects will be populated.

Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and punctuality is a manual field. Discuss with your senior leaders whether this is to be added as a number, percentage or descriptor.

You have the option to 'Collapse' all or 'Expand' all ladders. The ladders in the report template are those that have been selected by your school's admin user.

Remove ladders

If a ladder is not applicable to the student you can 'Remove ladder' from the student's report. If the ladder is not removed, it will require a teacher and teacher comment as required fields to sign off the report.

Add a ladder

You can also add a ladder to the report template by clicking on 'Add a New Ladder' underneath the list of subjects. The subject must be a live subject in your school's curriculum. 

Attainment and Progress

For every subject you have the option to share the Attainment and Progress judgement.

To hide these fields click on the eye icon with the line crossed through. The parent will not see an 'attainment' or 'progress' label.

The attainment and progress judgements are manually populated for each ladder by the user completing the report, or if you have the setting enabled in your template, will be synced automatically from Autumn 2, Spring 2, Summer 2 from your judgements in Assessment. If you edit the judgement, this will be marked on the report so all users/viewers of the report are aware it's been edited (until it is published). Once published the judgements will be present without any editing note.

Attainment and Progress judgements only sync in EYFS reports if you have the setting 'Enable Progress and Attainment to be added to reports' enabled in the template.

Although you choose the judgements from the abbreviations e.g. AARE, the published PDF will display the full descriptor.

Achievements and Next Steps

For each ladder it is possible to indicate a student's achievements and next steps. This is a manual process, selecting relevant objectives from the ladder from the drop down menu. 

To add an achievement or next step:

  1. Click the dropdown button to view the objectives for the ladder. Scrolling down displays the objectives in descending order by year group.
  2. Click on the achievement or next step you'd like to include
  3. Click 'Add' 
  4. The selected objectives will appear under the section you have chosen them for

Is there a maximum number of achievements and next steps?                                                                We recommend 2-3 achievements and next steps to share with parents in order to communicate the key objectives. There isn't a maximum number of achievements and next steps but bear in mind the implication on page layout for PDF if you add a large number of achievements and next steps.

Ladder Comments

To add a comment, click into the box and start typing. Teachers have the ability to import or create 'predefined comments'. This saves teachers time in typing recurrent comments that may be required for multiple ladders. 
Read the guide' predefined comments' article to find out how.

To add a predefined comment from your saved list, click the 'Choose from Predefined Comments' button under the respective text box and choose the one you want to add.

The selected comment will be added to the comment box and you can edit or amend as you need.

Reports auto save every 3 minutes after a change is made to the page. If you need to close the report before this, remember to click 'Save Draft'.

Learning Examples
Why just tell parents about their child's learning when you can show them. 

Whether you've uploaded files within Observations, or would like to upload a new file to share through reports, you are able to include photos, videos, audio files or PDF files to your reports to bring learning to life.

Teacher Comment

Finally, write your overall teacher comment about the student. This is a required field to be able to 'send to sign off'.

Utilise predefined comments by clicking on 'predefined comments', or type a comment by clicking in the text box. 

Senior Leadership Comment
If your admin user has enabled 'senior leadership comment' in the report template, there will be a box for a senior leadership comment. This is not a required field to send the report to sign off. Senior leaders as admin users can access reports to add and save their comments.

Student Comment
If your admin user has enabled 'student comment' in the report template, there will be a box for a student comment and piece of evidence. This is not a required field to send the report to sign off. 

A teacher can remove or enable the student comment within the report by clicking on 'Disable' or 'Enable'.
Choose to 'Add Media' to reflect student voice and allow your students to share an achievement they are proud of.

Send to Sign Off
Once you have followed the above steps, that's it, click 'Save Draft' and you're ready for sign off!

Read all about the sign off procedure in, EYFS Student Reports: Send to sign off.

The 'Send to Sign Off' button will not be available (it will remain white and greyed out) until you have filled out the required fields (see top of article). 

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