EYFS Student Reports: Publish Reports

EYFS Student Reports: Publish Reports

Before publishing reports, teachers are required to follow steps 1-4 within the EYFS Student Reports: Teacher user guide. This includes how to access the student report dashboard, create new reports, edit draft reports and send reports to sign off.

Teacher users are only able to publish reports to PDF for students in the classes they are assigned to. They cannot publish reports to parents via Ladders at Home.

Admin users are able to publish reports for any student, class or year group.

Once reports have been signed off (read EYFS: Student reports: sign off process) the status will be 'ready to publish'.

Where to view if a report is 'ready to publish'
Admin users can see the status of all student reports across the whole phase in students> student reports. The filters allow admin users to filter for the student, class, status or report type. 

A teacher only sees the status of student reports for classes they are assigned to. 

Use the 'Status' filter to filter reports that are 'Ready to Publish'. 

How to publish an individual student report
To publish reports individually, go to students> student reports> search for the student> click on the eye icon to view. At the bottom of the report click on 'Publish'. 

The status of this report will then be 'Published'.

To 'Unpublish' a report, scroll to the bottom of the report and click 'Unpublish'.
(Note: Unpublishing a reporting removes the report from Ladders at Home).

How to publish reports for a class group or year group

1. Click 'Publish Options' on the student report dashboard.

The first option is to 'Publish' reports.
2.. Click on 'Class Groups' or 'Year Groups'.  
3. Further options to select one or more classes and to select students appear. Select the classes and students you'd like to publish reports for.

4. Select a report type, either yearly or termly. If termly, select the term:

5. Click 'Continue' to complete publishing reports.

6. The following page will ask whether the school would like to include student UPN numbers in the title of the report. 
It will also confirm whether any reports were still in draft, sign off refused, ready to publish and will not be published. An email will be sent to the admin user to confirm the publishing of the reports onto Ladders at Home.  

Note: UPN numbers are only included if a report is published to PDF- See "Generate PDF'.

What happens to reports once published?

Process if Ladders at Home is launched

Admin users select the settings for sharing student reports in the 'EYFS Student Report' template settings' article. 

If 'Share reports to Ladders at Home' option is enabled in the template, then clicking 'Publish' in Publish Options shares the reports to parents. 

  • Parents receive an email, notifying them that a student report has been shared and also receive notification against 'Student Reports' upon logging into Ladders at Home.

  • Parents click on 'Student Reports' to view or download the report and can translate the report into any of 100 languages, using the 'Translate' button.

If the option 'Enable two-way notifications between school and parents' is enabled, the parent can engage in 2 way messaging with the user who published the report.

Process if Ladders at Home has not been launched

Generating PDF report for one student

If 'Share reports to Ladders at Home' is 'disabled' in report template settings, reports can be downloaded as a PDF to share with parents.

To download a PDF for an individual student, go to students> student reports> search the student> view the report> click 'Download PDF'.

You can only 'Download PDF' once the report has been published (see above).

How to Generate PDF reports for whole classes 

'Generate PDF' can only be used once reports have been 'published' first. 

1. Return to 'Publish Options'
2. Click 'Generate PDF

3. Make Classes/ Year Group selections
4. Click report type, termly or yearly
5. Click 'Continue' 

The user will receive a separate email containing the PDFs of the class/students published to PDF. The user receives one class per email due to the size of the file.

Once the report has been published, the status will change to 'Published'.

For any further questions around publishing Pupil Reports, please get in contact with the team by emailing support@learningladders.info.

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