To do this, click on 'Summative Data' in the blue menu on the left of the screen. In this page you can select the academic year you want to view, the target group, timeframe, and content (subjects) then click 'view summative data'.
When you are viewing this data after having imported it into Learning Ladders you have the option to change the computed judgement for a pupil by clicking on the different levels underneath teacher judgement on the right of the screen. Any changes made to this will automatically be saved into the system.
Once you are happy with all of the data, go into 'Insights' in the blue menu bar on the left of the screen then select 'Summative vs Formative Assessments'.
Once again in this section, fill in the details for the report you wish to generate such as academic year, group or year of pupils, term, and content (subject and summative data source).
This then provides a visual comparison of summative vs formative assessments for the entire group that you are looking at, including indicators of averages so that you can understand how the pupils are progressing.

By default, the system doesn't show the individual pupil data, but if you click the 'Show Pupils' they will all appear.
It is also possible to view the data represented as a scatter graph, which will enable you to understand where each pupil lies in relation to a regression line and a Venn diagram (when viewing multiple subjects) to demonstrate comparison of different subjects.
Venn diagram
To find out more about using Summative Assessments, please feel free to browse our Knowledge Base to find additional resources, or get in touch via live chat during UK office hours, via phone or email on Please click here for video.