How to Import your Students/Parents

How to Import your Students/Parents

A student/parent import file is used to add student and parents into your Learning Ladders site if a school does not have an active MIS integration. It can also be used to update classes and groups in bulk.  
An admin user can populate one import file for EYFS & Primary and import this into either of the modules.

Download a student/parent import file

  • Click Students> Students from the navigation menu in either the EYFS or Primary module

  • Click 'Import Students' from the options along the top of the students screen
  • Download the Student Import Template (This will open as an excel/numbers file)

Populate the student/parent import file

Export your student file from your MIS system. If you need support with exporting a file from your MIS, please contact your MIS provider. 

UPN Q. We do not use UPN (Unique Pupil Numbers) for our students, what should we use? A- Learning Ladders requires a unique student number to store the assessment data for your students. Any unique pupil number used in your MIS for students should be used as the student UPN. Without a UPN on the import file, the student will not be imported.
Q. Does it matter if we use different UPN numbers in our MIS and Learning Ladders? A- Yes, the UPN number in Learning Ladders must match the UPN for students in your MIS. If you set up an integration to sync student data (via our 3rd party integration party, Wonde) the UPN's must match to avoid duplications of students.
  • Please ensure that your import file has the below headers filled out (* indicates mandatory)
    • UPN*
    • First Name*
    • Last Name*
    • Date of Birth*
    • Gender* (M / F)
    • Class Name*
    • Year group (Year) or (Grade) if Grades* 
Year group codes: If the EYFS module is switched on- PS (Pre-School), N (Nursery), R (Reception), 1-9Grades: If the EYFS module is switched on- B-3 (Birth to 3), PKG (Pre Kindergarten), KG1, KG2, 1-8.
  • Ethnicity Code (See a list of Ethnicity codes and learn about why it is beneficial to import this information)
  • Group 1, Group 2... Read about editing groups in Learning Ladders here.
  • SEN Status Codes:   
    S = Statement
    SA = School/Early Years Action
    SA PLUS = School/Early Years Action+4
    K = SEN Support
    E = Educational Health and Care Plan
    Q = School Action+ and Statutory Assessment

The below fields are looking for the response 'yes' if applicable to the student (these may be UK specific):
  • LAC - 'Looked-after children' 
  • English as Additional Language
  • FSM - 'Free School Meals'
  • Ever 6 - This is when a student has a historic FSM status. They will be classed as Ever 6 FSM for 6 years after their FSM eligibility end date. 
  • Service Children Education Indicator
  • Pupil Premium Indicator

Populate parent information for Ladders at Home

Sharing information about learning with parents at home provides parents with the opportunity to support learning at home and in turn, improve learning outcomes. Find out more about launching ladders at home in your school here.
To import parent information, populate the parent first name, last name and email address fields on the same row as the student's information. 
For additional authorised 'parents' requiring an account (this may be multiple parents, au pair, tutor etc.) copy the student's details to a blank row and add the second 'parents' details in the appropriate columns. 

(It is important to keep the student's UPN number the same when copying their details to a blank row to avoid duplication).
  • Parent First Name
  • Parent Last Name
  • Parent Email Address
Save your file as a .csv or .xml file in order to successfully import into Learning Ladders.

Import your student/parent import file

  • Click on 'Choose File' to find and upload your file
  1. If you have any errors in your import file you will receive an error message and downloadable report directing you to the issue. Please correct these within your MIS or import file
  • If using Excel, check that you have saved the file as a CSV UTF-8 (.csv) file.  Your file will fail to import if you do not save the file using this file type.  

  1. Your pupils will automatically update based on their details in the student file
  2. You can check your classes& groups by clicking on 'Classes& Groups' or your student information in 'Students'.
Tip: Your classes will always default back to those in the MIS file import, if you amend your classes within Learning Ladders any new MIS file will override your class changes.

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