Insights now allows Phase Leaders to see pupils assessments over multiple subjects for one term.
To use Phase Leaders reports click on ‘For Phase Leaders’ on the Insights main page. Phase Leader Reports allow you to select one term but multiple subjects.
Once Insights has loaded you can start generating your reports.
Insights will automatically select the current academic year.
Click the plus button to select ‘Target Group’. Please note: if you are looking at a class or group you can select either one, you are not able to select both.
You will be able to select from ‘Classes& Groups’, ‘Teachers’, ‘Year Groups’, ‘Ethnicities’ and ‘More Attributes’.
Time Frame will automatically be selected at 2017/18. However, you will need to click on the plus to select a Term to see the data from. You can only select one term.
Click on ‘Content’ and select your Subjects or Aspects.
For Phase Leader Reports you can select multiple Subjects. For example, if you would like to see ‘Reading, Writing and Maths’ you will be able to see the analysis for these. There are some example reports on the Insights home page that will do this for you.
Aspects are the individual Ladders within the Subjects. You will need to make sure you have made selections in the relevant criteria, otherwise the system will advise you to do so.
Click ‘Generate Insights’.
This will generate your Insights report.
The first graph you will see is your ‘Subject Overview’ displayed as a bar chart, this will automatically show Attainment, to view Progress, click the drop-down menu on the left.
Scrolling down you will see ‘Breakdown [subject]’.
A selection of pie charts will give you a breakdown of each attribute; Gender split, EAL, SEN, LAC and Pupil Premium. If you click on each section of the pie charts you will be able to see a list of children within each section.
If you have selected a number of different subjects, for example, Reading, Writing and Maths. You can press the drop-down menu to switch between the different subjects.
NB: if you have selected combined subjects you will only be able to see a combined Reading, Writing, Maths and not any other subjects in a combined graph
Further down you will be able to see an Aspect Breakdown. This shows you the ladders within each subject. A bar will appear which will fill with the different colours chosen to represent the schools Assessment Milestones, as different assessments/milestones are recorded.
If you hover over the different colours this will show you the percentage of pupils who have completed that aspect.
If you want a further breakdown, click on the ‘+’ next to the name of the ‘Aspect’ which will open all the rungs in each ladder. The bar graphs next to them give a breakdown of how many rungs within the ladder have been completed. The bars will display colours corresponding to how many assessments/milestones have been recorded against each rung.
Click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of Insights. You will see two options to download a report and Help.
Downloading a report will download all graphs within that Insights report.
Help will direct you to our help guides.