Learning Ladders Lead Handover

Learning Ladders Lead Role

Welcome to the Learning Ladders Lead information page.  You will have been invited to read this article if you are the Learning Ladders Lead for your school.

What is the role of the Learning Ladders Lead?
The Learning Ladders Lead role was created to give each school a specific 'champion' for implementing and getting the most out of Learning Ladders within their school.   This person gives Learning Ladders a central point of contact for providing updates and key information to share with the rest of the school.  

What should I do next?
  1. Check to ensure that you have received your Set Up Meeting email with instructions for getting started.
  2. Discuss with your team which members of staff will act as 'Admin' users of the site
  3. Distribute the Administrator set up guide to the member of staff setting up your Learning Ladders
The Learning Ladders Lead can promote attendance to training sessions by circulating reminders of booked training sessions, as well as passing on opportunities to access our FREE Webinars for CPD.

Administrator and Teacher Guides

We have created separate guides for Admin and Teacher users getting started with using Learning Ladders.  The administrator guide will be particularly useful for the member of staff given the responsibility to set up your Learning Ladder settings.  The teacher guides are useful to circulate once the teaching staff have had their initial training to refer back to.

Help Centre

The Learning Ladder Lead should encourage their staff to seek support when required and signpost staff towards the Help Centre.  

To make the most of the Help Centre, encourage users to create a Login.  This should be their school email address and a password (the same/different to your Learning Ladders site).  Users can then raise and monitor support tickets as well as participate in the Community.  

Help Centre- The Help Centre should be the first place staff should be directed to use for support.
  • Articles: The centre contains hundreds of help articles, many featuring video tutorials demonstrating all aspects of Learning Ladders. Teachers can search by key words e.g. 'Student Reports' and all related articles will appear.

  • Support Ticket: Teachers can raise a 'New Support Ticket' and then check their ticket status to see how their request is progressing.

  • Community: Encourage staff to participate in our Community Forums to create a network for; sharing experiences of Learning Ladders, exchanging tips on set up for similar schools (e.g multi-lingual, SEN, EYFS) or to ask questions to other schools using the system.

  • Workshops: Pass on information for upcoming FREE workshops for ongoing CPD. We have workshops every half term with a different focus, as well as frequent guest speakers webinars for wider Education CPD topics.  Teachers can attend as many workshops and webinars as they would like and access webinar recordings for those they could not attend live.

If you're looking to  handover your Learning Ladders Lead role,  we’ve compiled the attached guide to help you with a seamless transition.  Within these pages you’ll find a handy checklist for the current Lead and essential information, key contacts and valuable insights for the new Lead.

Support@learningladders.info- This is the email address for your staff to send their requests for support to.  Our customer support team provide timely support and are always ready to help schools with whatever they are trying to achieve.  The office hours are: 8am-5.30pm Monday to Friday.


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