Loading Data into the New GL Assessments Dashboard

Loading Data into the New GL Assessments Dashboard

Release date: 27/05/21

The New GL Assessment dashboard allows you to import and view the numerous GL Assessments, including CAT4, PTs and PASS 

It is possible to export all of your GL Assessment data out of GL and import this into the new GL Assessment Dashboard in Learning Ladders. These are commercial tests owned and managed by GL Assessment.

Summative Assessment Data supports schools in identifying school-wide trends and in monitoring the progress of individual students and cohorts. Our latest feature will enable schools to visualise GL summative assessment data in our new pre-built data dashboards.

This GL Assessment dashboard allows you to import and view the numerous GL Assessments, including CAT4, PTs and PASS alongside formative assessments added to Learning Ladders. You can view from an individual pupil to the whole school within this dashboard.

How to import CAT4 and PTs data

Firstly, you will need to download your data from GL- CAT4, PTs and PASS* and save as a .csv file. 
You will then need to import the data into Learning Ladders

The CAT4 and PT files can be downloaded from GL and uploaded directly into Learning Ladders without any modifications, the*PASS data you have to modify the csv file before uploading, please see details below. 
Click on 'Summative Data' on the left hand side menu and then on the 'GL Assessments' button to open the dashboard;

Start by importing your data using the 'Import GL DATA' button to import your GL data;

Selecting the year group and assessment type you wish to import;

You can import files of CAT4,PASS, PTM, PTE and PTS per year group, per academic year to populate the dashboard. It is possible to re-import the same file to update the dashboard.

Use the View, Target Group and Pupil Filters to refine your visualisations.

Click on 'View GL DATA' to see the data in the dashboard;

Any data sets that have been upload from GL will be displayed and you can view via class, group or student;

Once imported, each data set will be saved until otherwise deleted. Please note that this feature will remove all data on the dashboard apart from the TAS.

You can download any of the charts by clicking on the three stripes button next to the chart you wish to download:

You can download the chart in the following formats:

How to import PASS data

To view PASS data in the GL dashboard, you will need to modify the downloaded csv file from GL before uploading into Learning Ladders. 

Please see a step by step guide on how to do this below;

Step 1
Download the PASS data .csv from GL Assessments 

Step 2 
Open the PASS data .csv on a PC or MAC

Step 3
Please delete the 'Cohort analysis' and 'Item level analysis' tabs/pages so that only the 'Individual profiles' page remains;

Right click on the 'Cohort analysis' and 'Item level analysis' tabs and delete them;

You should only have one tab left, 'Individual profiles'

Step 4

You need to delete the top four rows of the spreadsheet;

Click on the number and then click delete;

Once finished the spreadsheet should look like this;

Step 5

Convert the excel sheet into a .csv file. 

Click on 'File' and then 'Export' ;

Click on 'Change File Type' ;

Click 'CSV (Comma delimited) under 'Other File Types';

Click on the 'Save As' button;

The 'Save As' box will open up;

Name the file, choose the save destination and change the 'Save as type' to 'CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv);

Click on the Save and your PASS data is ready to be imported into the GL dashboard!

If you have any issues or questions importing data into Learning Ladders, please emailsupport@learningladders.info.

If your issue is regarding GL data, you can contact GL Assessments here: Contact GL

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