It's time to start a new academic year, but before that, an admin user will need to migrate your students into the 2023/24 academic year.
Migration is a process within Learning Ladders wherein we move your pupils up by one year, and amend any classes or users you might need to.
How long does it take?
The migration process should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
If you can't complete the migration process all at once, you can always come back to the step you were on.
Who Migrates?
Only a school Learning Ladders admin can migrate the site. All other users will receive a message advising that Learning Ladders needs to be migrated before they can access the service.
When do you start Migration?
Your site will be available to migrate into the 2023/24 academic year from 1st August 2023 (unless your school has a different academic year to September to August).
From this date, until a site Administrator migrates your site, teachers won't be able to access any Learning Ladders features.
How do you Migrate?
When an Admin logs-in, the first and only page you will see will welcome you to the new academic year and confirm you need to migrate Learning Ladders.
Select “Fill Contact Form”. Select an existing user or enter the details for a new user for each of the following: Learning Ladders Lead user, School Accounts contact, School Leader/Principal. Then, click 'Save and Start Migration'
Do we need to migrate Learning Ladders if we have the Wonde MIS integration?
Yes, both your Learning Ladders system and MIS need to be migrated separately.
All MIS Integrations will be revoked on 31st July 2023 to allow your MIS to roll over students and your admin user to migrate Learning Ladders. An admin user can migrate your Learning Ladders site from 1st August.
Cohorts will still need to be rolled up to a class name available in your MIS during migration e.g. 3A to 4B. If students are to be mixed into different classes for 2023/24, this will automatically happen once your MIS integration is enabled again.
Following migration, your admin user should email to request the MIS integration be activated again. We will send you a disclaimer asking you to check that your Learning Ladders and MIS have been migrated and then enable your sync.
What about archiving leavers?
As part of the migration you are able to archive cohorts who have left the school. Once your MIS integration is enabled post migration, the integration will archive any students who have a leavers date in the leavers field in your MIS. If the student is not marked as a 'leaver' and you have not archived the cohort during migration, then you will need to mark a leaving date in your MIS for this to update Learning Ladders.
Read more about the MIS integration
Welcome Page
Fill in the Contact Form so that we have up to date information about who to contact in 2023/24
STEP 1: Migrate your students up a year
Before you migrate all students up by one year/grade, you will have the option to not migrate pre-school students.
For students in Pre-School that you do not want to migrate, it's possible to retain them in the pre-school year. Follow the onscreen instructions to do this.
STEP 2: Update your class names
STEP 3: Update your Users
Amend the classes, remove from the system or add new users to Learning Ladders.
At this point in migration, you have the option to change the classes users can access, remove their access to Learning Ladders or add in new users.
If you choose to leave all users as they are, you can make changes to them after the migration process, so it's not necessary to get this 100% correct if you need to verify details.
How do we move students to other classes next academic year?
If your classes are mixed and will need to reorganised for the next academic year, once you have completed the migration process, you can re-import your pupils to allocate them to the correct class.
If you have the MIS integration the students will move to their new classes upon reactivating the sync so there is no need to re-import manually.
What happens to pupils’ data after they leave the school?
Their data will stay in the system.
Can I make curriculum changes during migration?
If you are making changes to your curriculum for the next academic year, we recommend you publish these changes after you have migrated, so these changes will not affect assessments from the 2022/23 academic year. Once migration is complete, select 'Publish Changes' within the Creation Zone.
Can teachers still add in assessments for AY 2022/2023?
Following migration, if your teachers still need to add in assessments for the 2022/23 academic year then they can do so by selecting 'academic year: 2022/23' when they note assessments. If they do not do this then assessments will be noted for 2023/24.
Please make sure your teachers still have access to their 2022/23 class if they need to note assessments for the 2022/23 academic year.
What happens to Archived Groups/Classes?
Their data will stay in the system and teachers can unarchive them if necessary.