Learning Ladders offers flexibility for schools to choose how progress is calculated. We've summarised the three options available below.
Assessments added to class assessment or student assessment against any year group rungs, are added to a student's progress score for the assessment window selected (excluding those recorded using the 'historical assessment' window.
As progress is not cumulative throughout the year, when a single assessment window (half term) is selected, the system only displays the progress allocated to that assessment window.
To see progress over time (multiple assessment windows), users need to select the assessment windows they want the system to aggregate the scores for.
To view progress over time, you must choose the data source: calculated judgements only, as the system uses numerical values relating to the % of assessments recorded to aggregate the progress.
Image shows the progress for individual assessment windows (half terms) and the data source set as ‘Calculated Judgements Only’.
Image shows the cumulative progress of two assessment windows (half terms) to visualise the aggregated progress of the selected assessment windows/time period.
Assessments added to class assessment or student assessment in any year group, are added to a student's progress score for the assessment window selected (excluding those recorded agains the 'historical' assessment window).
Teachers have the option to select Classes & Groups > Teacher Judgement to override a recommended calculated judgement with a teacher judgement override. Teacher Judgements are not linked to milestone assessments against individual outcomes and are made against the whole subject.
In the Assessment Summary, the data source selected is 'Calculated and/or Teacher Judgements' if taking progress from the milestone assessments with some teacher judgement overrides, or ‘Teacher Judgement Only’.
You cannot view cumulative progress when using the ‘Calculated and/or Teacher Judgements’, or ‘Teacher Judgement Only’ data source, as a teacher judgement does not have a numerical value to aggregate for the term. For this reason, you can view progress for a single assessment window (half term) in isolation.
Image shows the data source as calculated and/or teacher judgement. Progress is presented for single assessment windows in isolation.
Images show that there is no cumulative option for a ‘Calculated and/or Teacher Judgement’, or ‘Teacher Judgement Only’ data source, as the system does not have a numerical value to aggregate.
Within the senior leader reporting in ‘Insights’, the Leaders Analysis report includes an aggregated progress option of ‘Term’. This allows the display of Teacher Judgements only and will use the last term selected in ‘Time Frame’ to display progress.
Image shows the option for ‘Term’ Progress in Insights > Leaders Analysis report for a school utilising ‘‘Calculated and/or Teacher Judgement’, or ‘Teacher Judgement Only’ data source. The system displays the judgement in the assessment window selected in ‘Time Frame’.
Teachers record milestone assessments against the individual outcomes to generate a calculated attainment judgement. Alternatively, teachers record a Teacher Judgement for a subject to generate an attainment judgement (not linked to milestone assessments against individual outcomes).
The school defines the mappings for how the progress is calculated when presenting progress over time.
An additional ‘Start of Year’ assessment window is introduced. This is a Teacher Judgement Only. This assessment window does not appear in Class Assessment / Student Assessment.
Teachers view defined progress in Assessment Summary > Defined Progress or Assessment Summary > Multiple Subject View.
A selection is made for the data source of the attainment judgement, either Calculated Judgements only, Calculated and/or Teacher Judgement or Teacher Judgement only.
The report displays the defined progress judgement based on the start assessment window and end assessment window selected, mapping judgements from the defined progress mapping in settings.
Senior leaders can view defined progress across academic years in the Leaders Analysis report.
Image shows a school’s own attainment descriptors in a mapping grid and the school’s selected progress judgement for each change in attainment across any assessment window period of time selected.
Image shows the option to choose the origin of the attainment judgement used in the mapping (either calculated. calculated and/or teacher judgement, or teacher judgements).
Image shows the aggregated progress, using the mappings in the defined progress settings, for the assessment windows selected.
Image shows Assessment Summary > Multiple Subject view. The table displays an aggregated progress column, using the mappings in the defined progress settings, for the assessment windows selected.