What Information is Shared with Parents in Learning Goals?
What are Learning Goals?
Learning goals are the learning objectives students are being taught and assessed against in the school's curriculum. The sharing of a learning goal is linked to a teacher recording an assessment against that objective. The learning goal displays with a sand timer icon to demonstrate to the parent that the objective is 'in progress'.
This offers the parent an opportunity to support their child's learning at home to help them 'secure' their understanding.
Can parents also see the child's attainment and progress judgement?
No, parents only see the learning goals, related subject and aspect and if enabled, objective year group.
The parent sees these as 'Latest Learning Goals' in Ladders at Home.

When is a learning goal 'complete?'
Admin users can mark the assessment point for 'completed' in Ladders at Home in Settings> Settings. This means that a child doesn't have to achieve 'greater depth' for example in order for the parent to see a 'completed' tick.

(A completed learning goal)
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