EYFS Student Reports: Adding a School Stamp

EYFS Student Reports: Adding a School Stamp

What is a School Stamp?

International schools have requested a digital 'school stamp' to be added to the last page of a student's report. This is an official stamp/image the school uses to confirm a student report is from a specific institution to PDF versions of student reports. In response to this request, we have added the function to allow a school to add a stamp (in image/file format) to Learning Ladders.  

This 'stamp' will appear on all PDF versions of student reports, on the last page towards the bottom right.

How do I add my school stamp?

Its possible to add a different school stamp to EYFS and KS1+, or you can use the same one but it will need to be added to both modules if you want the stamp to appear on reports.  

Go to Settings > Settings > Student Reports and navigate down to the 'Displayed School Name & Logo' section, which is close to the top of the page on the left hand side.

At the bottom of this section, you will now see 'Add your Stamp' below the school motto, indicated on the below grab.

Click 'Upload Image' and a dialogue box will appear confirming you can upload a jpg, jpeg or png file as the stamp.

Please note, no other image/file types can be accepted at this time

As you would normally, you can search for the file in the finder, or drag and drop the appropriate file into the modal.  Once you have added the image to the modal, click 'Use Image'.   Once added, you have the option to rotate the stamp/image.  If you do rotate the image, please ensure you save the change using the save icon nearest to the image.

A school stamp only needs to be added to one student report template in KS1+.
After adding the stamp/image, click 'Update Settings' at the bottom of the page and your stamp will now appear on all student reports generated as PDF.   

If you want the stamp to appear on student reports that have already been created, you can regenerate the report on the page an the PDF will then appear on both the Learning Ladders PDFs versions as well as the Ladders at Home PDF versions. 
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