How to Import your Students/Parents
A student/parent import file is used to add student and parents into your Learning Ladders site if a school does not have an active MIS integration. It can also be used to update classes and groups in bulk. An admin user can populate one import file ...
5 Tips for Effective Transition between EYFS and Year One
Learning Ladders is the only system designed specifically for promoting fluid transitions between Early Years and Key Stage One. Read our 5 tips for effective transition: Curriculum How does your Foundation Stage curriculum prepare children with the ...
EYFS: Attainment and Progress Descriptors
Customise your Attainment and Progress Descriptors Within the EYFS module half termly and termly professional judgements are entered for assessment. (Read about professional judgements here). For this reason the EYFS module does not use 'Milestones' ...
EYFS: Year Group Set-Up Options for the EYFS Module
Schools have the option to purchase and enable two separate modules within their Learning Ladders site, EYFS and KS1+ (Primary). This provides schools with one, whole school system providing separate curriculum and assessment policies to meet the ...
EYFS: Creating and Filtering Tags (Admin User Only)
Learning Ladders is a whole school improvement tool. For this reason, particular features have been designed to support senior leaders in roles such as Phase or Subject leadership. Custom tags enable Phase Leaders to filter observations based on the ...
EYFS: MIS Integration
What is the MIS Integration? Schools can now choose to use a third-party integration, that will import all of your student data into Learning Ladders (and parents if you are using Ladders at Home). If you want to use this, you will need to contact ...
Adding Users to EYFS (Admin Users Only)
Existing users with a login to KS1+ Learning Ladders will not need to be added again. When the EYFS module is switched on, any users assigned to EYFS classes will be visible as users in the EYFS module. Learning Ladders has two user permissions, ...
Getting Started Guide: EYFS Teachers
Learning Ladders is a unique online and in-class teaching, assessment and parental engagement system that brings together students, teachers and parents to improve children’s learning. Learning Ladders offers an all through system from EYFS to ...
Adding Students to EYFS
Students can be added to Learning Ladders' EYFS module through an import file, manually or synced by an MIS Integration. If an active MIS integration has been set-up in KS1+ then this will automatically sync pupils into the EYFS module and update. ...
EYFS and Learning Ladders
Our journey of discovery into the changes to the new Early Years Framework has encountered more than a few twists and turns. From our initial stages of Jan Dubiel’s EYFS briefing and Alistair Bryce-Clegg’s webinar on raising attainment in EYFS, to ...