Schools can choose to enable or disable the display of Attainment judgements within the Class Assessment page. When enabled, a teacher has a visual reminder of the Attainment judgement for each student using their school's Assessment Descriptor colours.
A teacher can hover over an individual student to learn more about the percentage of assessments met in each Assessment window, overall for the year and the number of assessments to achieve the next descriptor. Teachers can use this information to understand why a student is allocated an Attainment Judgement by the calculation.
Watch the video below, or read on to find out more about this option:
Enable / Disable
The default setting for the feature is 'On'. To disable Attainment Judgements from appearing within Classes & Groups, go to Settings > Assessment Summary > Assessment Descriptors.
Toggle the slider 'Enable display of Attainment Judgement on Class Assessment' to 'On' or 'Off'.
Go to Classes & Groups > Assessments and select a Class, Subject and Rung year. There is no display of colour or assessment count until you select an Assessment Window.
Once an Assessment Window has been selected, the student names appear with colours. The colours directly relate to the school's unique Assessment Descriptor colours for each Attainment judgement.


Hovering over an individual student's name surfaces a fly out box containing information about the % of assessments recorded, number of overall assessments and breakdown by Assessment window.
The first line 'For Aut 1 attainment is: On Track (9% -> 12.75%)
This tells the teacher the automated Attainment judgement, calculated from the threshold in expectations for the subject for the assessment window selected.

Note: Only automated Attainment Judgements are displayed in this view as the judgements are formed using the expectations and individual assessments recorded. If a Teacher Judgement override has been used, this can be viewed in Assessment Summary. If Teacher Judgements is your primary form of assessment within Learning Ladders then it may be better to 'disable' this feature.
20/188 Assessments = 11%
This tells the teacher the number of assessments recorded so far (attainment is cumulative) and the percentage of the total assessments available for the year.
Next expectation: Above (+4 Assessments needed)
This tells the teacher how many assessments a student is away from achieving the next Attainment Judgement. This can be helpful to determine if the student is almost there, or whether they only just entered a judgement band.
The breakdown below this shows the number of assessments recorded using each Assessment Window this academic year.
- Why is a student's judgement lower when I look forward at a future Assessment Window?
Learning Ladders is a coverage model where Attainment is cumulative across the year. The system expects a greater % of assessments in Autumn 2 to be met than in Autumn 1 for example, to meet the 'expected' Attainment judgement for that point in time, in order for students to reach the end of year expectations outlined in your 'Expectations'. Until teachers record assessments for the new assessment window, the judgement for that half term will not be 'expected' as students are expected to attain more of the assessments each half term.
- What happens if I remove assessments in an Assessment Window?
The system automatically recalculates the Attainment judgement using the expectations for the subject.
If you have any questions then contact the team at