How to Export Users (Admin users only)

How to Export Users (Admin users only)

1. Click on ‘Settings’ on the left hand menu


2. Click on ‘Users’
3. In the top right corner click ‘Export Users’

The system will download a full user list, including:
  1. Email
    This should be the user's school email address.  If the user has a child in the school and would like to be added as a parent in Ladders at Home, they will need to use a different email address.
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Role: (for the user in Learning Ladders: ‘Admin’ / ‘Teacher’)

    Admin users have additional permissions in the system e.g. access to settings to change the assessment policy, creation zone to change the assessment framework and Ladders at Home parent sharing information.  They can view data for all classes across the school. 

    We advise limiting the number of admin users to minimise risk of changes to settings affecting your data.
  5. Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, etc. (this needs to be the header. In the columns you will be able to label each class)
Note: Admin users are assigned to all classes so there is no need to write the class names.
For reference, a blank user import file is attached to this article.

If you need to amend users on the system, this file can be edited and then used to update users with the standard import users process

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