Insights: Accumulated Score Analysis

Insights: Accumulated Score Analysis

The Accumulated Score Analysis report surfaces the average % of assessments for each class in a selected subject.  As teachers record assessments against each assessment window, the Accumulated Score Analysis updates.

This report is useful when considering the termly and end of year expectations that are used in the calculation of attainment and progress judgements in Assessment Summary.  Senior leaders can make comparisons between cohorts and year groups across the school.

To access the Accumulated Score Analysis click on Insights > Accumulated Score Analysis.

Select the 'Academic Year' drop down menu to select the academic year to view.  The default will be the current academic year.

Make your selections of a single half term or multiple half terms.

Select a subject from a list of your live subjects and click 'Generate Insights'.

The accumulated scores are sectioned into 'Attainment' and 'Progress'.

The table shows the year group, class, student numbers and each half term selected.

Notice how attainment is cumulative and the attainment percentage is pulled across future half terms.  Progress on the other hand starts afresh each half term.

How are the average % of assessments calculated?

Learning Ladders is a coverage model. 

  1. Senior leaders customise the assessment framework so that each year group has rungs/learning outcomes to assess against in each subject.

  2. Senior leaders set the number of milestones/assessment points which apply to each outcome. 

  3. The system uses these settings to calculate the total number of assessments points for each year group in each subject e.g. Year 3 has 10 learning outcomes in Reading and the system has 4 milestones, 10 x 4= 40 assessments for the year.  

  4. Each assessment added to a learning outcome counts as a percentage of the total number of assessments and the system totals the assessments cumulatively across each half term period.

  5. Senior leaders then set expectations for each descriptor for each subject.  E.g. to be 'Expected' at the end of year in Reading students need 60%-85% of assessments met, 'Exceeding' 85-100%. 

    Accumulated Score Analysis simply displays the average % of assessments covered in each half term for every class and when 'Thresholds' is enabled, displays where the average sits in relation to the thresholds set in expectations for that half term. 
What do the colours mean?

The colours relate to the settings in your Assessment Descriptors and reflect each of your Attainment or Progress judgements.  You may be familiar with these from viewing the judgements in Assessment Summary.

If you toggle the 'View Thresholds' slider, the thresholds applied in the calculation will appear underneath the % of assessments.  These are based on your current expectations in settings for the subject. This is useful to consider how close the average is to the threshold of the judgement below or above.  For example, 6A has an average of 11.73% assessments for Aut 1.  Based on current expectations this is just falling into an average of 'Expected' attainment as the thresholds for 'Expected' are 11.6-14%.

Click on the 'Export' button to export the accumulated scores.  There are two options for the export, a PDF or .CSV.  Only the PDF will display the colours as a .csv only displays data.

If you have any questions about the data displaying in the Accumulated Score Analysis report then contact the team at

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