Viewing a year groups average progress/attainment for a subject

Viewing a year groups average progress/attainment for a subject

The Accumulated score analysis report was developed to allow schools to get a detailed view of how each class has performed accross multiple terms, attainment and progress and a single subject.  As schools now have the ability to edit expectations for individual year groups, we wanted to provide further information on learning performance to help inform that process. 

Within the Accumulated Score Analysis report, you can now view half-termly averages for each year group.

The values displayed are an average score of all of the students in that year.  For example, in the above image you will see that the average for Progress for year one in Autumn 1 and 2 was 16.95% (12.7 + 4.25), for year 2 it was 32.58% (21.15 + 12.43).  These values indicate that these year groups progress at different rates for Autumn and therefore could be used to adjust the termly expectations for this subject.

Caution should always be taken when adjusting expectations as the impacts can be more wide reaching than you intend, so If you are unsure, contact support or amend and try not to make large changes.  Any changes you make can be seen within the reports within seconds, so do check the reports to see if the change has produced the intended result.
The average values will only appear in this report if there is more than one class in a given year.  If there is only one class, then the values for that class are effectively the average.

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