We've made it easier to edit or add rungs to an existing subject within your live framework! This process is the quickest way to make changes to your rungs in bulk.
This article explains how to:
Download an existing live subject from your framework
Edit rung content
Import the file back into your site
Watch the video below to find out how to edit your framework using the downloaded file.
Download your published curriculum
Go to Ladders > Creation Zone > Go to Page > Import Curriculum
You will see the steps required to download a subject and import the file back in.
Step 1 - Select Subject
Click on the subject drop down menu.
A list of subjects from your live framework will be displayed to choose from. Select the subject by clicking on the subject name.
Step 2 - Export
Click on the blue button next to number 2 'Export {subject name}' , or choose to Export All Subjects. It's easiest to track framework changes by exporting one subject at a time.
Your subject will download in .csv file format and can be found in your Downloads. The format (headers) of the file must be preserved as its the required format to import the file back into Learning Ladders so do not change this.
Edit your Framework File
The file opens and displays a number of headers for each column.
Do not change the headers as this will affect the mappings to import back into Learning Ladders.
See the guidance below for each column. Red means that the information in this column cannot be changed using this import file. Green means the field is editable using the import file.
Subject- This cannot be changed using this import file. Managing Custom subjects can be done within the Creation zone: Visit Creation Zone > Go to > Manage Subjects. Ladder id- Do not edit this field. This maps your Ladders to the existing Ladders in your site and will affect your ability to import/edit existing framework content.
If you are adding new content, leave this column blank.
Aspect (Ladder)- This import file can be used to rename existing ladders or to add new ladders into a subject. To delete a ladder, action this within the 'Ladder Remove' column, see below
Ladder Order- You can reorder existing ladders or specify an order for new ladders using this column. Ensure the numbers form a consecutive order from 1 upwards
Ladder Remove- Remove a ladder from your subject by changing the 'No' to 'Yes'
Rung id- Do not edit this field. This maps your Rung to the Rungs in your site and will affect your ability to import.
If you are adding new content, leave this column blank.
Objective (Rung)- Edit the rung entirely, or amend particular words. To add in new rungs follow the process in the next section 'How to add new rungs'.
Rung Order- You can reorder existing rungs or specify an order for new rungs using this column. Ensure the numbers form a consecutive order from 1 upwards
Rung Remove- Edit 'No' to 'Yes' if you'd like the rung to be removed
Year- Edit the year group a rung is assigned to
How to add new rungs
Click on the row and add new row below. Write the subject name, ladder name, rung, year group it relates to. There is no need to fill in IDs or order.
Import the file back into your site
When you have finished making changes in your import file, ensure you have saved the file as .csv UTF-8 format.
Go to Creation Zone > Go to Page > Import Curriculum
Scroll down to step 3 and 'Choose a .csv file'. Choose the saved file and click the blue 'Import' button.
The message will confirm any error messages which may have occurred, or that a confirmation that the import has been completed and what the edits where.
Ensure your file is saved as .csv UTF-8 format if an error occurs
Go to Ladders > Creation Zone to view the subject and check over the ladders. If the content is as you intended, you can now '
Review and Publish' the content.