Insights: Judgement Score Analysis

Insights: Judgement Score Analysis

The Judgement Score Analysis displays the percentage of students awarded each attainment and progress descriptor.  This is either the calculated judgement from individual assessments, or a teacher judgement override if one exists. 

This information is useful for comparing attainment and progress across year groups in the school.

To access the report click on Insights > Judgement Summary Analysis.

Choose the selectors for academic year, term and subject and click 'Generate Insights'.  Displayed are all of the year groups containing students in your system with the corresponding student numbers for each year group.

Where does the judgment terminology come from?

The judgements are the descriptors for attainment and progress that were customised by your senior leaders.  They are the same judgements you see in Assessment Summary and other Insights reports.  The colours are also those customised by your senior leaders.

If you slide the toggle 'View pupil numbers', the table displays the number of students achieving each descriptor in brackets below the percentage.

How to interpret the Judgement Score Analysis

The Judgement Score Analysis enables senior leaders to easily compare the data from Assessment Summary across each year group in the school.  It can help leaders spot patterns in current expectations e.g. if a number of year groups have a high percentage of students in the 'Emerging' descriptor the expectations may require adjusting.  The data can open up discussions within phases if particular year groups have a higher percentage of students 'Excelling' for example, identifying opportunities to review the learning outcomes for a year group.  

How to Export the Judgement Score Analysis

Click on the 'Export Results' button in the top right of the page.  The report will download as a .csv file.

.csv files do not export formatting and so the file will contain data not the colours.

If you have any questions about the Judgement Score Analysis please email them to the team

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