Gap Analysis: View the Gaps in a Student's Learning
Gap Analysis allows you to clearly see any gaps in a student's learning to effectively plan next steps.
- Navigate to Gap Analysis from your dashboard, or within Classes & Groups and Assessment Summary.
- Use the selector to select the Year Group / Class / Group, Subject and Rung Year.
Gap Analysis is a useful tool for transition and for building and reflecting on prior learning. Simply select the prior year rungs to view a student's gaps in learning, to ensure the learning opportunities offered build on the student's prior understanding.
The best way to view Gap Analysis is 'Full Screen'.
The student's names display along the top row, with the Ladders and rungs down the left hand side.
The numbers represent the Milestone/ Assessment point awarded in the teachers' assessment. The colours represent the milestone colour in the settings. If you'd prefer, we have a 'shades' option which shades the milestones awarded. Click 'Colour: Traffic Light' to turn the report to shades.
Click on a student's name to highlight their assessments across all rungs, or click on a rung to view assessments across the whole class in an outcome.
Expand Section
It is possible to see how a student is progressing through the year and what objectives they have 'Started', 'Not Started' and 'Completed'. Click on 'Expand' in the bottom left corner to see this.
- Expand shows the % of rungs 'Not Started', meaning no assessments have been recorded against the rung.
- The percentage of rungs 'Started' means that the rungs have at least one assessment recorded.
- Completed means the % of rungs where the student has met all assessments.
- Cumulative % is the % of the total possible assessments for the year that have been met e.g. If there are 10 rungs for Year 3 maths and 4 milestones (assessment points), then there are 30 assessment points in total. Therefore if the cumulative value is 60.3%, the student has met 60.3% of these possible assessments available.
The Cumulative % is a useful way to understand why a student has been awarded a particular automated judgement. If an Admin user prints the thresholds, they can see the % of assessment required to meet each judgement and unpick why, using the cumulative % based on the current expectations.
Show Breakdown provides a breakdown by milestone for the subject, for every student i.e. how many assessments are at the first, second, third milestone.
To export Gap Analysis, click on Export in the top right corner.
There are two options for exporting, either 'Export PDF' which shows the colours, or Export CSV, to keep only the data (with no colours or formatting). See Export Gap Analysis Pro tip.
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