Unique school Set-up
During the onboarding process, schools have the opportunity to create their unique assessment framework organised into subjects, ladders (aspects) and rungs (end of year outcomes) assigned to each year group.
In Assessment Summary ‘Expectations’ settings, schools set the thresholds for the percentage of assessments to be met at the end of the year to equate each attainment judgement e.g. 60-79% of assessmen
In Assessment Policy ‘Milestone’ settings, the school sets between 2-6 milestones for teachers to use in the assessment of a student's understanding against each individual rung (end of year outcome).
The school decides the interval that teachers will record assessments in the system. The system has six assessment windows of time, divided into 3 terms for reporting. These time windows can be renamed by request from the default to a non-seasonal alternative label, but the number cannot be changed.
Process for recording assessments against individual rungs
Teacher users record assessments in Student Assessment or Class Assessment. The user selects the time period or ‘assessment window’ for the assessment e.g. when did the student demonstrate this understanding.
A Teacher selects the milestone which best represents a student’s understanding of the individual end of year outcome (rung) using the school’s policy.
Learning Ladders calculated judgements follows a coverage model for Attainment.
Attainment is calculated across a single academic year which starts afresh each year.
Only assessments made against a student’s own year group rungs count toward the cumulative % for their attainment.
To calculate the value of each milestone assessment, the system takes the number of rungs in a subject for each year group and multiples this by the number of milestones. This provides the total number of assessments available for that year group (100%). To calculate the value of each assessment, the system divides the total number of milestones by 100 e.g. Year 3 maths has 10 rungs and the school has 4 milestones. 10 x 4 = 40 possible assessments across the year. 100/40 = 2.5%. Each time an assessment is clicked against the student’s own year group outcomes, 2.5% is added to the student’s cumulative value to measure their coverage.
For this reason, all milestone assessments are counted equally e.g. clicking the 4th milestone isn’t counted as a higher value than the 1st milestone.
Note: The historical assessment window is used for noting knowledge a student has already accrued, some schools use this in their ‘baseline’.
The calculation only counts assessments noted using the historical assessment window in the cumulative % for the year, when the assessment is made against the student’s own year group.
If the student is in year 2 and a historical assessment is recorded against year 3 rungs, attainment will only be counted when the student moves into that year group.
If the assessment noted against the historical assessment window is against the student’s current year group rungs, then it is added to the first assessment window’s attainment.
Viewing Attainment in Reporting
A student’s cumulative score can be viewed in Class Assessment (when display of attainment judgement is enabled in Class Assessment), or in the ‘Expand’ view of Gap Analysis.
To present an attainment judgement in reporting, the system references each student’s cumulative value against the end of year expectations set in the system. It references ‘Print Thresholds’ which shows the % of assessments required in each assessment window to allocate a student each attainment judgement.
A student’s attainment judgement can be viewed in Class Assessment (when display of attainment judgement is enabled in Class Assessment), or in individual or class Assessment Summary for single, or multiple subjects.
The system counts all assessments cumulatively across the year. If a user selects the second assessment window, the cumulative value is presented for the student to that half-term e.g. assessment window 1 + assessment window 2 = assessment window 2 attainment score.
Attainment Judgement Overrides
A teacher user has the option to override the calculated attainment judgement by recording a ‘Teacher Judgement’ for the assessment window.
The data source in reporting changes to ‘calculated and/or teacher judgement override’, which displays the calculated Attainment judgement unless an override is recorded, in which case this is displayed.
A teacher may decide to override the calculated Attainment judgement if the assessments against the individual rungs do not represent a student’s current understanding e.g. the student has absence but is known to have knowledge not recorded in the system, or is borderline to a threshold.
If you have any questions about the calculated Attainment judgement then please reach out to us at support@learningladders.info