New User Guide: Teachers (Primary)

New User Guide: Teachers (Primary)

Welcome to Learning Ladders, we're delighted to have you onboard as a new user!

Your senior leaders have chosen Learning Ladders to provide you with a meaningful assessment system. Learning Ladders goes beyond simply recording assessments and actually supports teachers in their role of improving learning outcomes.

Learning Ladders is a modular system and so your school will have enabled the modules relevant to your school.

Watch the 30 minute introductory video below to discover how to get started, or read the guide to find out all you need to know about using the system:

Getting Started 

Step 1 - Amend your Password 

Your Password sent in your welcome email will be randomly generated so please select something memorable. 

Click here to see how to change the password. 

Step 2 - Use Google Chrome and Add Learning Ladders as a bookmark 

We recommend all our members use Google Chrome browser and add Learning Ladders as a bookmark in the bookmarks bar. You can download Google Chrome here and understand how to set up a bookmark by following this link.

Step3 - Login to Learning Ladders and view the classes and students you have been assigned

If you feel that you are missing any classes/would like to make amendments to the classes you teach then reach out to your school's Learning Ladders Lead. They are an admin user and can alter your class assignment.

Step 4 - Familiarise yourself with your school's assessment policy 

Your school's senior leaders have customised Learning Ladders with the unique assessment policy.

There are two types of settings to find out about. 

1. Formative assessment policy

Schools can have up to 6 assessment points to use in formatively assessing students' understanding against each objective.

Read What do the Assessment Milestones Relate to?

Find out how many assessment points your school uses by clicking on 'Classes & Groups> Assessment> Class assessment in and selecting your class and a subject.

The below assessment policy has 4 assessment points in the assessment policy. Hovering over each assessment point shows you the descriptor e.g. beginning, developing, secure, greater depth.

2. Attainment and Progress Descriptors

View the Attainment and Progress descriptors customised by your senior leaders, for use in reporting. These judgements are automated by an algorithm that takes into account the end of year expectations for each subject, set by your senior leaders.

View the descriptors by clicking on Assessment Summary in the navigation menu and using the filters to select a year group, class, terms and subject.

Step 5 - Take a look at the curriculum 

You'll find your school's curriculum in 'Ladders'. Ladders is the bespoke curriculum created by your senior leaders and teaching team to reflect the context of your unique students. 

This curriculum is what pulls through in Classes& Groups / Students for you to add your formative assessment against.

Your school's admin users have the tools to edit the curriculum at the end of the year, reviewing how the curriculum is performing in Insights reporting.

Step 6 - Add your first assessment

When you login, choose either Class/Group Assessment or Student Assessment (to assess an individual student).

Have a go at recording an assessment- the assessment saves automatically so no need to save. 

(Note: Your assessments only show up in Assessment Summary the next day after the calculation runs overnight)

Step 7 - See how these assessments update the Gap Analysis report

You're on your way to addressing gaps in learning, ensuring every lesson is pitched correctly for maximum progress.

The numbers refer to the assessment point achieved in each objective. 0 means no assessments have been recorded.

Easily use the colours to spot patterns across the class, identify students requiring further challenge or support to secure learning. 

You can even look back at prior year objectives to ensure understanding of previous concepts is secure before introducing current year objectives.

Step 8 - At the end of half term, create a report in Assessment Summary

  1. Click 'Assessment Summary' on the navigation menu.
  2. Use the filters to create attainment and progress reports that can be downloaded and shared with senior leaders or governors.
  3. It's easy to see the students behind the percentages by hovering over the coloured bars, showing you which children are working at each descriptor.

Read more about Assessment Summary Reporting.


We know that when you arrive at each of these steps you may want some more guidance for how to use the tools effectively. Click on 'help' on any Learning Ladders page to access the support site. 
  1. Search for the feature to read step by step support articles
  2. Ask a question to the team at
  3. Join one of our FREE ongoing CPD webinars (you'll find a list of these under Free Training Webinars)
  4. Contact us via telephone (+44 (0) 20 3637 055) or email

Once you've mastered the basics, explore how the system can take the heavy lifting out of other areas...


If you have a leadership responsibility in school, you may be interested in finding out more about subject or phase leader reports. Read about the scenario based Insights reports for Subject leaders and Phase leaders.

Student Engagement

Did you know that you can share your curriculum with students easily using student statements?

Read about how student statements create independent, co-owners of learning.

Parent Engagement

Research shows that communicating learning to parents and involving parents in learning at home has the biggest impact on progress. 

Watch this video about parent engagement using Ladders at Home. If Ladders at Home is not activated in your school, speak to your Learning Ladders Lead about arranging a chat with the team to discuss launching (

There's lots more to explore as you progress in your journey as a Learning Ladders user.  The team are here to support you at so always feel welcome to reach out, we guarantee you'll always receive a friendly response!

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