New User Guide: Teachers (EYFS)

New User Guide: Teachers (EYFS)

Welcome to the Learning Ladders EYFS Module, we're delighted to have you onboard as a new user!

Your EYFS Curriculum is entirely separate from the Curriculum in the Primary Learning Ladders. Changes made in EYFS will not affect the Primary Learning Ladders Curriculum for the rest of the school.  

Watch this 30 minute workshop to learn how to get started, or read the guide to find out all you need to know about using the system.

Getting Started 

Step 1 - Amend your Password 

Your Password sent in your welcome email will be randomly generated so please select something memorable.

Click here to see how to change the password. 

Step 2- How to view classes & groups and students

Click on Classes & Groups to view the classes and groups you have been assigned to. 

If you feel that you are missing any classes/would like to make amendments to the classes you teach then reach out to your school's Learning Ladders Lead. They are an admin user and can alter your class assignment.

Step 3 - How to View Your Curriculum 

Click on 'Ladders' in the green navigation menu to view the framework outcomes set by your senior leadership team.

There is only one subject in EYFS and the ladders are within this EYFS subject.

Step 4 - How to Record an Observation

Have a go at creating an observation for a student in your class/group.

Step 5 - View the Observation Map

The Observation Map is a visual representation of the development observed in your observations.  Each time you assign a ladder or objective to an observation, the observation map updates.  This allows you to understand the development that has been observed so far against the end of year learning outcomes.

Step 6 - Record an Assessment

Explore the Assessment feature to see your school's EYFS Assessment policy for recording Attainment and Progress judgements.  The system allows practitioners to record half termly or termly manual judgements based on your professional judgement.  The observations from the setting, as well as the perspectives from home shared by parents allow practitioners to think holistically about the development in the area of learning.  

There are no assessments recorded against individual objectives in the Ladders framework.  This module was created in response to the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021, recommending a shift away from a tick list approach to assessment in EYFS.  It is the decision of each setting how they assess students but this particular module provides a professional judgement only.

Step 7 - Take a look at Assessment Reporting

Once you have populated your first half term/term judgements, your Assessment Summary reporting will automatically populate a report when you select your class/group using the selectors.  Here's an example:

Step 8 - Ladders at Home: Communication with Parents

Your school has the option to enable communication with parents through Ladders at Home.  If sharing observations has been enabled, you will be able to mark observations to be shared with parents in Ladders at Home.  You can also engage in two-way conversations with parents, share home learning tasks, support articles and student reports.  Talk to your Foundation Stage Leader about the settings your school has in place.

Once you've mastered the basics, explore how the system can take the heavy lifting out of other areas...
  1. Student Reports
  2. Home Learning
  3. EYFSP
  4. Transition between EYFS and Year One

There's lots more to explore as you progress in your journey as a Learning Ladders user. 

Email with any questions and the team are here to support you in getting the most out of the system so always feel welcome to reach out, we guarantee you'll always receive a friendly response!  


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